The King Roo is a unique event on the website organized by the Company regularly. The King Roo happens randomly and is advertised and announced via the Company's social media and website. The Company may hold a King Roo event whenever they see the time fit for it at their sole discretion. The Company is free to set the time and duration for the next King Roo event according to their judgment. The King Roo events may happen anytime, with or without announcement on the website, the Company's social media and email if you have turned on marketing notifications. Whenever a King Roo event is happening, it will be visible on the website.
Every user registered on the website may participate in the King Roo event without restrictions. By participating in the King Roo event, you accept it as it is without any changes or negotiations regarding and over it. The King Roo event is a conditional gift without warranty or guarantees. The amount of USD given out for each winner greatly verifies depending on other users' bets, and the time the title is held.

You participate in the King Roo event by playing any game in the Slots section of the Website. All variations of Slots are applicable for winning the title of King Roo and all benefits with the position. You win King Roo by hitting a multiplicator of 100 (one hundred) or higher in any Slots game through a bet with a value of at least 1 (one) USD. You acknowledge Bets made with other currencies are only eligible if they have converted value of at least 1 (one) USD. All bonus options available in the Slot Game of your choice are counted towards that multiplier, while jackpots do not count towards it.
You hold the title King Roo until another user or customer hits a multiplicator of 100 (one hundred) or higher in any Slots game with a bet of at least 1 (one) USD or the time of the event runs out. Bonus options in the slots games count towards the multiplier, while jackpots do not. Each King Roo event has its set time, including a timer showing the time left. The Company has the right to set the time and duration for the King Roo event according to their sole judgment.
While being the King Roo, you will get a share of the house edge from all bets placed on slot games while you are the King Roo. All slot games on the website count towards it unless otherwise explicitly mentioned. The exact number of USD you receive as the share is displayed on the website and your profile. The share is not further disclosed and not negotiable it can only be accepted as it is. If you disagree with any of those mentioned above, you may not participate in the King Roo event.
During each King Roo event, you can become the King Roo multiple times if you lose the title and meet the conditions to earn it again. There is no limit on how many times you can earn the King Roo title during each event. The only limiting factor is the duration of the individual King Roo event.
If you are the King Roo at the end of the event, you do not start as King Roo in the next event. Each King Roo event is its own event, and for each of them, the title has to be earned as previously described. There is no guarantee you will not be replaced as King Roo by another user before you receive any USD.
The Company has the right to change, adjust, suspend or remove the King Roo event at any time with its sole discretion.
Our general bonus and promotion policy can be found here